The customer is the Republican state institution ” Department of the border service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Almaty region “of the Committee for Forestry and wildlife of the ETRM of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Charyn state National Natural Park”, in the Uyghur District of the Almaty region, in the RSU “State National Natural Park” Kolsay lakes” of the Committee for Forestry and wildlife of the ETRM of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the Kegen District of the Almaty region, in the RSU “Ile-Alatau state National Natural Park of the Committee for Forestry and wildlife of the ETRM of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the Karasay District of the Almaty region, from 28.03.2024, the Department of the border service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Almaty region “for the needs of national security “informs about the holding of public hearings through public discussions within 20 working days on the” Land Management Project for the transfer of specially protected natural areas, recreational, historical and cultural lands for the transfer of the right of permanent land use to the RSU”.
To get acquainted with the project documentation, submit comments and suggestions on the unified environmental portal ( can be viewed in the” public public hearings ” section.
Phone: 8 707 610 92 80.

Жобалық  құжаттамамен танысу, ескертулер және ұсыныстарды беру үшiн, Бiрыңғай экологиялық порталда ( «Жария қоғамдық тыңдаулар» бөлiмiнен қарауға болады.

Тел: 8 707 610 92 80.

С пакетом проектной документации можно ознакомится на Едином экологическом портале ( в разделе «Опубликованные публичные обсуждения» для предоставления замечаний и предложений.

 Тел: 8 707 610 92 80.